Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Dissertations in Progress by Subject, 2022

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Kim, Eana, "Becomings: Self-Organization in the Contemporary Works of Pierre Huyghe and Anicka Yi" (New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, T. Crow, R. Slifkin)

Park, SaeHim, "Imaging 'Comfort Women': Girl Statue of Peace (2011) in the Expanded Field" (Duke University, S. Abe)

Son, Bookyung, "Antagonistic Feedback: Rethinking Korean Media Art through Nam June Paik’s Reimportation to Korea" (State University of New York, Binghamton, J. Kirkwood)

Wichmann, Cecilia, "Sanctuary: Craft, Performance, and Memorial Sculpture Converge in the Art of Joyce J. Scott" (University of Maryland, College Park, J. Shannon, R. Ater)

Yezernitskaya, Mechella, "Wartime Art and Conflict in the Russian and Soviet Avant-Gardes 1914–1928" (Bryn Mawr College, H. King, T. Harte)