Concise, critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies

Reviews by Joanna Roche

Associate Professor, Department of Visual Arts, California State University, Fullerton
Lynda Roscoe Hartigan
Exh. cat. Salem, Washington, DC, and New Haven: Peabody Essex Museum and Smithsonian American Art Museum in association with Yale University Press, 2007. 392 pp.; 183 color ills.; 114 b/w ills. Cloth $65.00 (9780300111620)
Exhibition schedule: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, November 17, 2006–February 19, 2007; Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, April 28–August 19, 2007; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, October 6, 2007–January 6, 2008
April 22, 2008